Stake | Liquidity
This mining has three staking options (you can choose any or all of them to mine):Staking mining start time: 3/16 at 9:00 am (UTC+8) Staking mining end time: 3/31 at 9:00 am (UTC+8)
Liquidity LP of Magic Dog and ETH (MAINU-ETH) combination: Staking address: SLP contract: 0x189b29D2Aa4DD1E9d29bF1d009AA3D02A502B89A
Liquidity LP of Magic Dog and Cat King (MAINU-CKING) combination: Staking address: SLP contract: 0x8B6617F4cA25A554723D92FE9068DB7C7bfa738A
Single coin of Cat King (CKING): Staking address: CKING contract: 0x986a3db4317177b4f84b05127e9e39a7abd7187a
Reward token: PPCAI Contract address: 0x97BaD06A83Faadd08bc1a3ee1811e13352a0554a Reward per second in a single mining pool: 23.148 Expected amount of reward tokens used in a single mining pool: 29,999,808.00 (3.00% of the total supply)
A total of 30,000,000 PPCAI (3% of the total supply) will be mined, with each of the three mining pools mining 30 million PPCAI, for a total of 90 million PPCAI over 15 days (a daily yield of approximately 2 million PPCAI, and a per second yield of approximately 23.148 PPCAI). The mining will start from 3/16 at 1:00 pm (UTC) to 3/31 at 1:00 pm (UTC), with a 30-day lock-up period for staking and rewards can be claimed at any time.
Liquidity LP of Magic Dog and Cat King (MAINU-CKING) combination: Staking address: SLP contract: 0x8B6617F4cA25A554723D92FE9068DB7C7bfa738A
Staking address: SLP contract: 0x189b29D2Aa4DD1E9d29bF1d009AA3D02A502B89A
Single coin of Cat King (CKING): Staking address: CKING contract: 0x986a3db4317177b4f84b05127e9e39a7abd7187a
Reward token: PPCAI Contract address: 0x97BaD06A83Faadd08bc1a3ee1811e13352a0554a Reward per second in a single mining pool: 23.148 Expected amount of reward tokens used in a single mining pool: 29,999,808.00 (3.00% of the total supply)
A total of 30,000,000 PPCAI (3% of the total supply) will be mined, with each of the three mining pools mining 30 million PPCAI, for a total of 90 million PPCAI over 15 days (a daily yield of approximately 2 million PPCAI, and a per second yield of approximately 23.148 PPCAI). The mining will start from 3/16 at 1:00 pm (UTC) to 3/31 at 1:00 pm (UTC), with a 30-day lock-up period for staking and rewards can be claimed at any time.
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